Zach Brock

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Last call for lessons

August 2 is my birthday.

It is also happens to be the time of year when I evaluate my progress towards yearly goals and projects, recommit to the ones that are lagging, take on new ones, defer others, and let the dead ones die.

If you have experience with this process then you already know how essential it can be to achieving big goals. But if this concept is new or even foreign to you then I suggest that you get some coaching. This summer I can be that coach.

But what if the goal-setting and planning thing just isn’t your cup of tea right now? That’s cool. Summer can be a great time to just enjoy practicing.

Let’s face it, vacations can be boring if you don’t take your instrument. Also summer work schedules are often less intense than other times of the year. Orchestras and schools are on break. It can be the perfect time for you to learn those tunes or improv concepts that seem to be on your bucket list every year. This summer I can be your coach for that too.

And now for the BIG news.

After August 19 I will sunset my private online coaching sessions and in October 2024 I will be  launching my brand-new program The Improvisers Academy.

That means that this summer is your last chance to book a one-on-one online lesson with me. If this is something that you have been wanting to do then, as Bird said, “now’s the time.”

I look forward to telling you all about The Improviser’s Academy in my next newsletter. Until then, happy practicing. And don’t forget to write a new tune or two.
