Livestream Concert 11.5.20

Zach Brock & Bob Lanzetti

I’m so excited to be playing a real-life (outdoor/socially-distanced) show with my friend and fellow “Snarky Puppy” Bob Lanzetti tonight, 6PM, at 118 North! The show is going to be live-streamed on the venue’s FB Page as well as on our respective Pages. However, if you live in/near #philadelphia then come on out for the real thing! We’ll turn up for ya.

I’d like to give a shout-out to GroundUP Music for the new headshots by François Bisi and a fist bump to Royal Artist Group for keeping the dream alive.

#jazzviolinholyshat #snarkypuppy #phillyjazz #matthiaslehnerviolins #ithacastringedinstruments #supro #henricksenamplifiers #gracedesign #eventide #warchalstrings #thetruthwillout


What were you thinking?


Let’s Go Out Strong